World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Maria Morera Johnson

Maria Morera Johnson, author of My Badass Book of Saints, Super Girls and Halo, and Our Lady of Charity: How a Cuban Devotion to Mary Helped Me Grow in Faith and Love writes about all the things that she loves. A cradle Catholic, she struggles with living in the world but not being of it, and blogs about those successes and failures, too.

Blog Feature

Ash Wednesday  |  Lent activities  |  family prayer

Lent Resources: Made for Heaven (Ash Wednesday)

Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR, discusses the meaning of Ash Wednesday, the practice of fasting, and how our Lenten practices are intended to lead us to the resurrection—Jesus’s resurrection and our own. We pray, fast, and mark our foreheads with ashes because we are made for heaven.

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Blog Feature

Prayer Intentions  |  family life  |  power of prayer

Tracking Intercessory Prayer

The powerful graces from intercessory prayer bless me every day. I have a tight-knit group of friends who are champion prayer warriors, women (and men!) who ask me how they can pray for me and follow through with that faithful promise. I do the same for them because it is in many cases the most loving and charitable act I can do for them. I know that in the saddest or most stressful times in my life those words have brought me great comfort.

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Subscribe to the Family Rosary Blog

Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.

Blog Feature

Catholic Faith  |  Scripture  |  reading the Bible

Overcoming Wrath with Meekness

Jezebel, the infamous bad girl of the Bible, was selfish, unscrupulous, and manipulative. However, it is anger that ultimately destroys her. As the pagan wife of King Ahab, Jezebel uses her seductive power to spread the worship of Baal throughout the kingdom of Israel and to kill the prophets of Yahweh.

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Blog Feature

CatholicMom  |  School of Mary

My Rosary Story: Offering My Joys and Sorrows

Maria Johnson ponders how praying the Rosary helps her draw close to Mary as she was by her Son's side.

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