World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
It is autumn in this region, and we are watching the natural rhythm of the season unfold. “Rhythm” is one of those words we use in different ways. A few examples include the beat of our hearts, the meter of a poem, or musical tempo. When we set out for a walk with loved ones, we find a mutual sense of stride – a “together rhythm” for the walk. Rhythm can describe how we pace our daily activity; we’re “off rhythm” when we don’t feel our usual efficient selves.
Learn more about our faith | Seasonal Reflections
Chucuito is the name of the remote rural parish in the Andes Mountains of Southern Peru, on the shores of Lake Titicaca, where I was assigned as a deacon, before being ordained a priest. I thank God for how my 3 years there as a young priest formed me in profound ways. My first Feast of All Souls there was an amazing experience.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Holy lives of inspiration | Seasonal Reflections
“I am not a saint. I am not a saint!” “Please do not get me wrong, I am no saint either!” These common expressions tell of a popular perception of saints. They speak of an understanding of saints as men and women who are perfect in everything and as people who live an out-of-this-world life. This perception is not accurate. While there are saints who live in heaven, there are also saints on earth trying their best to live out the gospel.
“Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.” Those are the words that I most often say at the end of Mass. And they’re the words that each one of us tries to live each day, guided by the Word of God and the promptings of the Holy Spirit. But we know that our ways don’t always naturally follow God’s.
Mass with Children | raising kids in the faith contributor, Megan Cottam reflects on the ways young children naturally witness to the faith. “Why do you bother bringing your kids to Mass? Isn’t it a hassle?” “Religious concepts are for older folks. Little kids are too young to understand.” Any of this sound familiar? For us moms with small kiddos, it can be daunting to handle the rejection that comes at us when we are doing our best to raise our children in the faith.
how to pray the rosary | pray the rosary
Rhonda Ortiz shares ten ways you can renew your dedication and love for the Rosary. Beginning with a Confession: The Rosary and she have a love-blah relationship.