World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
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It takes a significant amount of courage and humility to face our own rough edges, but how do we embrace those characteristics? All of our Advent readings can point us towards the right frame of mind to grow this Season. If we really pay attention to what God is telling us, these readings can help us to feel confident that Jesus is truly with us, no matter what challenges we face.
What a blessing to hear the different Scriptures readings during Advent. They lift worried souls. Both Scripture readings on this the Monday of the Second week of Advent are doing just that. In one instance, we have a man who is ill, and others are trying desperately to bring him to Jesus for healing.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Do you believe that I can do this? Yes Lord. He touched their eyes and said, "let it be done for you according to your faith." Their eyes were open. What struck me was the words that Jesus used, according to your faith. In effect I heard Jesus saying that anything and everything that happens with us is dependent on and related to the measure of our faith. Is the glass of our faith half empty or half full?
It’s not by chance that the Lord chose a carpenter to be the foster-father of the Son of God. Right from his betrothal to Mary, Joseph would have started to build a home for the Holy Family. However, then they had to leave that house and travel to Egypt, Joseph, being a carpenter, could then prepare another home; he possessed a skill that would provide a solid home for the Holy Child and His Mother.
We use the word dream with different meanings. We can mean dreams while we sleep, daydreaming, or we can dream as when we long for something desirable, a vision of the way we would like things to be.
"Peace on Earth" is what Jesus promises to bring us at Christmastime. If you have a family, though, the weeks leading up to December 25 can feel anything but peaceful. Besides the shopping, decorating, visiting, cooking, and other preparations we make during Advent, there is the world at large - which can feel at odds with a message of peace. News of violence, political division, conflict, and poverty fill our television screens and social media accounts. What kind of peace can Jesus bring to a world like ours?