World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
In John’s gospel proclaimed at mass on the Feast of Christ the King, Pilate asked Jesus if he was a king to which Jesus said “my kingdom was not of this world”. In the Scripture reading from the Book of Daniel today we were introduced to King Nebuchadnezzar who was of this world. He was bent on destroying the religious beliefs of four young men, among them Daniel, offering them special favors in the hopes of winning them over to a pagan culture.
In the mind of Jesus, a house of prayer provided a unique meeting place for God and us. What about our houses?
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
In the cable TV episodes of Inside the Actors’ Studio, James Lipton interviews actors, writers, and directors in Hollywood. He always ends the interview in the same way, by asking his guest this question: "If you believe that God exists, what do you think He will say when you finally see Him?" It’s a great question. In one episode he was interviewing one of the truly great film directors of all time, the legendary Steven Spielberg. Remember the movie, E.T. The Extraterrestrial? When Lipton asked Spielberg, "What do you hope God will say to you when you finally see Him?" Spielberg paused for a few moments, smiled, and said...
Having several grandchildren has provided opportunities to collect impressions and stories about their growth and development. This time of year, as families make plans to gather for holidays, we often remark about how everyone has grown over the past twelve months.
Today’s first reading and gospel tell stories of courage and cowardice. The mother and her seven sons are heroically courageous in not giving in to the King’s demand that they violate their religious practices. On the other hand, the servant given one gold coin is so fearful of the King that he doesn’t even put it in the bank to earn interest.
I’d have to say that the Annunciation is my favorite Mystery of the Rosary, in the sense that, whatever be the Mysteries of the Rosary for the day – like today, Tuesday, we pray the Sorrowful Mysteries – I try to meditate on the Annunciation too. For example, when I go jogging in the morning, immersed in the beauty of creation, I like to put myself in that moment of the beginning of the New Creation when the Angel Gabriel came to the young Mary.