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Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

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Jesus: The Firm Foundation - Weekday Homily Video

In 1174, Italian architect Bonnano Pisano began work on a 185-foot bell tower for the Cathedral in Pisa, Tuscany, in west-central Italy. There was just one little problem—even before it was completed, the builders discovered that the soil was much softer than anticipated and the whole structure began to tilt. The project lasted for 199 years and was plagued with interruptions, as engineers sought solutions to the leaning problem until they finally realized that nothing could be done to straighten the Leaning Tower of Pisa! The problem wasn't bad design, poor workmanship, or inferior materials. Instead, the issue was unstable sandy soil underneath the city of Pisa where the famous monument was built. Interestingly, the word "Pisa" means "Marshy Land," which explains the issue. This teaches us that a faulty foundation can cause problems not just in buildings but in our lives as well.

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Rediscovering God's Law - Weekday Homily Video

Not too long ago, perhaps just over sixty years ago, in the United States, the pledge of allegiance and a prayer were part of the beginning of the day in public schools. Now, prayer is almost fully excluded, and the pledge of allegiance is a matter of debate.

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Love thy Neighbor  |  Strengthening family unity

The Golden Rule - Weekday Homily Video

Today's Gospel offers a powerful yet simple message: the Golden Rule. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." This isn't just an ancient saying; it's a cornerstone for Christian living, with the potential to transform our families and our world.

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Nativity of St. John the Baptist - Weekday Homily Video

In Singapore, there is a school program designed to assist children hospitalized or homebound due to illness. Special teachers are assigned to visit these children and help them keep up with their studies and school assignments.

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Mass with Children  |  family prayer  |  parenting advice

Timeless Tips: My Dad's Best Advice on Attending Mass with Kids

My dad passed away in 2018, but not a Sunday Mass goes by where I don’t think of him. My childhood is replete with memories of filing into the pew, Dad between us two girls to keep us from talking (or more likely, fighting), and attending Mass together. Even now, at the age of 41, I find myself replaying various hints and admonitions he used to give us as we learned to behave at Mass. Here are six of the lessons that have stayed with me all these years.

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Blog Feature

Catholic Faith  |  family prayer  |  prayer life

Seasons of Prayer

One of the phrases I had to tell myself over and over in the months following the birth of my last baby was, “This is just a phase. I will not be nursing forever; I will sleep again.” I have a tendency to have tunnel vision about whatever difficult moment I am in and feel it will last forever. Stepping back and looking at the big picture has helped me to see that the moment I am in is just a small blip on the radar of my life.

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