World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Growing up in Uganda, all through high school I was active in scouting. I was a Patrol Leader of one of the best Patrols in the country and in East Africa. We won District Championships, National Championships, and represented Uganda in the East Africa Regional Scout Championships in Nairobi, Kenya. Scouting teaches young people cooperation, integrity, belief, respect, innovation, organization, and care for others. The founders of the Boy Scouts and the Girl Guides movements, Lord Baden Powell and Lady Olave Baden Powell, are buried in Nyeri, Kenya. It is in Kenya where they settled in the evening of their lives and eventually rested and were buried.
Praying with images | family prayer | mysteries of the rosary | pray the rosary
Visio Divina is a unique way to discuss the faith, especially as a family. From the youngest member of one's family to the oldest, everyone can look upon the beauty of a picture and share elements of the art that touch their heart or pique their interest.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Love thy Neighbor | Return to the Church
Eighteen times in his gospel, Luke mentions wealth and its dangers. Mary sings about the difference between the poor and the rich before Jesus' birth. Only Luke says the poor shepherds are the first to hear about Jesus' birth. He notes that Jesus belongs to the poorer class and that Mary and Joseph brought the sacrifice of the poor to Jesus' circumcision in the temple. He reminds those who had two tunics to give one to those who had none.
God's love | family prayer | trust in God
Their backs were up against a wall, cornered with nowhere to go. The Israelites had triumphantly been released from being slaves to the Egyptians after more than 400 years; they took their families and all of their belongings and left town. They had gone as far as the Red Sea, only to hear in the distance the Pharaoh’s chariots barreling down on them in revenge. They had a dead-end in front of them with the deep Red Sea. They couldn’t turn around or they would be heading right into the army. And going left or right would just mean eventual capture as well. They were trapped, afraid, and hopeless. Their triumphant exit from Egypt just led to doom and despair from what they saw.
family prayer | how to pray the rosary | pray the rosary
If you were to visit my parish church, you’d find a little basket on a table in the narthex filled with plastic rosary beads. I imagine the ladies who make these free rosaries have been delighted by the alacrity by which the rosaries have disappeared of late. Perhaps they speculate that the fervency of the parishioners for this Marian devotion has sky-rocketed. What they don’t realize is my children are responsible for the majority of the disappearing rosaries. My kids see a striking new color bead (“Oh, Mom! I don’t have an orange rosary! This is perfect for fall!”) and thus our collection of plastic rosaries grows yet again.
Love thy Neighbor | Return to the Church
Today's Gospel opens with a furious Jesus accusing the Pharisees of paying their tithes to "look good" rather than acting out of love of God and love for their neighbor. Jesus is also challenging us to examine why we do what we do! Do we do something just because it is expected of us? Do we want others to think well of us? Or do we choose to do something because it is the "loving" thing to do?