World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Blog Feature

Catholic Faith  |  Grandpa's Garden  |  catholic family life

Grandpa's Garden: When There Are No Words

Our oldest child just celebrated a birthday. The day she was born, we drove country roads in the predawn darkness to the community hospital. It was the first day of school in the town, and as it happened, the weather was beautiful. When we arrived, the staff whisked away the expectant mom. I donned delivery room attire and waited. I learned that “labor” is appropriately named. Eventually, I joined my wife and listened, encouraged, and supported the best I could, realizing I was somewhat helpless. My role was to be there with her.

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Blog Feature

catholic family life  |  children at Mass  |  family prayer

What Happened to Families Going to Mass on Sunday?

I know that going to church on Sunday is not always easy. Getting the kids dressed and out the door on time on Sunday morning has its challenges. I would be lying if I said there were not some Sundays I wished I could just sleep in. Stay in bed for another hour. But every week, all five of us are at Mass. I often hear parents say that it is just “too hard” at this stage, and they will start going again when their kids are older. Those easier days turn into becoming complacent about not attending mass. Frankly, kids learn about how to behave and worship by being in Mass. There is not a magic age where everything just “clicks.”

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Blog Feature

Grandpa's Garden  |  catholic family life  |  prayer life

Grandpa's Garden: Ways To Learn

In this region, the new school year has begun. I’ve been thinking about the young people who are adjusting to new schools, classmates, teachers, and curriculum. Times of adjustment can feel disorienting. After a few weeks, everything will seem routine. New friendships will form, the rhythm of classes will evolve, and interest in athletics and other activities will come to life. Everything will progress into learning about oneself, exploring an ever-expanding world, and acquiring life’s wisdom.

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Blog Feature

Grandpa's Garden  |  Grandparenting  |  catholic family life  |  prayer life

Grandpa's Garden: Guided By the One Who Loves Us

During almost fifty years of marriage, we’ve learned that some home-related tasks require both of us to accomplish. Other chores are best done by just one of us according to individual talent and interest. Sorting out who would specialize in a particular area took negotiation and compromise. When something urgent presented itself, often involving one of the children, whoever was closest responded, regardless of specialty.

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Blog Feature

Grandpa's Garden  |  Grandparenting  |  Summer  |  catholic family life

Grandpa's Garden: Summer Moments

Once, during my college years, I had a summer job on campus. To provide for local transportation, I quickly traveled home and retrieved my old bicycle, dusted it off, and took it back to school. I often traveled a dirt road that passed through a large field surrounded by woodland. It was a quiet exercise in solitude, and it was beautiful. In the early morning, the dew glistened on the grasses, and at dusk, the mist rose from the earth and saturated the air. I always felt uplifted moving across that green expanse.

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Blog Feature

Hope  |  catholic family life  |  prayer

What Prayer Does Not Dare to Ask

Call to me, and I will answer you; I will tell you great things beyond the reach of your knowledge. (Jeremiah 33:3) Tasting, touching, hearing, seeing, smelling … I learned of the five senses as a small child but could never have imagined how integral these are in our life. Our senses play an active part in the creation of memories and can trigger those memories too. The lyrics and mood created by songs often reflect our emotions, attitude, and perspective at a certain stage of our life. Scents of certain foods might remind us of special meals or celebrations—for me, rainy days always remind me of my mom’s baking. Family photos evoke visual memories that also bring forth with them sensations and emotions.

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