World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
In this region, we are well into winter. We’ve had snow, rain, and gusty winds. I must admit a particular delight with the snow, even in light of the effort needed to clear it from walkways and driveways. There’s a fascination with the luminous brightness of newly fallen snow that covers and highlights the landscape.
We had the blessing of time with family during this past Christmas. We brought food and gift bags to the celebration at one such gathering. When we got to the house, one of our young grandsons rushed to meet us at the door and enthusiastically asked if he could help us carry what we had in our arms. I didn’t need the help, but his generous spirit immediately prompted me to give him what I was holding.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Celebrating family life | Seasonal Reflections
We recently asked the grandchildren what one word would describe their experience of Christmas. Their word responses were joyful, warm, and family.
I recently asked one of my younger grandsons what he found interesting about school this year. He replied with a detailed description of an item on the lunch menu. Maybe it’s the teacher in me, but I expected him to respond with something about classes, friends, homework, or similar. I wasn’t ready for a food response, totally unexpected. In retrospect, it made great sense. Eating is a bright spot in our day.
Celebrating family life | Seasonal Reflections
There is something touching about a newborn child. Children have their own way of relating to the world around them. They were once so "one" with the womb of their mother. They relate to the world around them with that sense of "oneness." It is as if the whole world is their friend.
Celebrating family life | Why pray?
As I read over today’s readings and began to reflect on their meaning, asking God to help me to write this homily, I was also thinking of Mrs. Howley, the mother of my friend, Joe, who is preparing to go home to God.