Prayers for Family

World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Blog Feature

catholic devotions  |  family blessing  |  spiritual benefits of the rosary

Free Download: The Rosary in Our Hands eBook

To encourage you (and your family) to embrace this powerful prayer devotion, Catholic Mom and Family Rosary shared 31 unique personal accounts of having “the Rosary in our hands” in a special series last fall. We've compiled several of our favorites into a free ebook for you to enjoy and share.

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Blog Feature

Epiphany  |  New Year's Resolutions  |  family blessing

Celebrate the Epiphany by Blessing Your Home (and Life)

I’ll be honest. I have mixed feelings about New Year’s resolution season. Between the guilt-ridden goals to look better or do more, the temptation for self-centered navel-gazing, and the thinly veiled marketing gimmicks, I’m not excited to set goals on a prescribed January timeline. A natural southerner, I also lack winter motivation for pretty much anything. I’d much prefer hiding under a blanket fort with my kids and a good cup of tea until at least April. Despite my hesitations, I recognize that this is a fresh start for many of us. Thanks to the intentionality that this turning of the calendar provides, I’ve watched friends accomplish some amazing things for themselves, their families, and for God. The act of reflecting and growing is certainly graced by God. With this in mind, how is the Lord guiding our steps in 2025?

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Subscribe to the Family Rosary Blog

Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.

Blog Feature

Epiphany  |  New Year's Resolutions  |  family blessing

Resolution Epiphany and a Home Blessing

I’ll be honest. I have mixed feelings about New Year’s resolution season. Between the guilt-ridden goals to look better or do more, the temptation for self-centered navel-gazing, and the thinly veiled marketing gimmicks, I’m not excited to set goals on a prescribed January timeline. A natural southerner, I also lack winter motivation for pretty much anything. I’d much prefer hiding under a blanket fort with my kids and a good cup of tea until at least April. Despite my hesitations, I do recognize that this is a fresh start for many of us.

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Blog Feature

Blessed Virgin Mary  |  Family Traditions  |  family blessing

Mary, Mother of God and Blessing Our Children

Today the Catholic Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God. On this day, the launching of a new year, it has been a tradition in many Catholic cultures for the father or grandfather to bless the children one by one.

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