Prayers for Family

World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Megan Cottam

Megan Cottam, Lay Ecclesial Minister in the Diocese of Richmond, has focused her ministry on early childhood formation (0-5), parent and family agency, and the sacramental life in the domestic church. Wife to Deacon Steven and mom to two wonderful young children, she is learning how to live out her faith at home with each daily opportunity for grace!

Blog Feature

Holy Women's History Month  |  Lenten Reflections  |  catholic mom  |  women's history month

Holy Women's History Month: Saint Josephine Bhakita

There is one sound more unnatural than any other in the world; it is the wailing of a mother burying her child. Watching Shirley at her child’s funeral service, I wasn’t sure whether she was going to puke, collapse, or scream. I recall the crushing grip of her hand clinging to mine during my feeble attempts at prayer, the same grip that clutched the coffin of her fourth and final child who succumbed to the violence of the Chicago streets. This son had survived the longest, being shot dead at age 33. As a freshman in ministry, how was I to share God’s hope with this woman, much less find it myself? The happiness and praise ringing from Sunday liturgy felt off; the Good News of Jesus Christ seemed distant. Where were the words of the Church that could speak life into this tragedy? What wisdom or quip of a saint could I share to make the pain cease? Prefer to Listen—Audio version available!

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Blog Feature

Epiphany  |  New Year's Resolutions  |  family blessing

Celebrate the Epiphany by Blessing Your Home (and Life)

I’ll be honest. I have mixed feelings about New Year’s resolution season. Between the guilt-ridden goals to look better or do more, the temptation for self-centered navel-gazing, and the thinly veiled marketing gimmicks, I’m not excited to set goals on a prescribed January timeline. A natural southerner, I also lack winter motivation for pretty much anything. I’d much prefer hiding under a blanket fort with my kids and a good cup of tea until at least April. Despite my hesitations, I recognize that this is a fresh start for many of us. Thanks to the intentionality that this turning of the calendar provides, I’ve watched friends accomplish some amazing things for themselves, their families, and for God. The act of reflecting and growing is certainly graced by God. With this in mind, how is the Lord guiding our steps in 2025?

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Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.

Blog Feature

Epiphany  |  New Year's Resolutions  |  family blessing

Resolution Epiphany and a Home Blessing

I’ll be honest. I have mixed feelings about New Year’s resolution season. Between the guilt-ridden goals to look better or do more, the temptation for self-centered navel-gazing, and the thinly veiled marketing gimmicks, I’m not excited to set goals on a prescribed January timeline. A natural southerner, I also lack winter motivation for pretty much anything. I’d much prefer hiding under a blanket fort with my kids and a good cup of tea until at least April. Despite my hesitations, I do recognize that this is a fresh start for many of us.

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Blog Feature

Behold Your Mother  |  pray the rosary  |  seasons of motherhood

Rosary Reflections for Pregnant Mothers: Second Joyful Mystery

Today we will pray the Second Joyful Mystery: The Visitation. I imagine that the barrage of questions asked of a typical mom-to-be reached Mary’s ears throughout her pregnancy. It can certainly be draining. If folks are not asking questions, they have at least been looking at your growing stomach since their first suspicions of your pregnancy.

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Blog Feature

Mass with Children  |  raising kids in the faith

How Children Naturally Witness to the Faith contributor, Megan Cottam reflects on the ways young children naturally witness to the faith. “Why do you bother bringing your kids to Mass? Isn’t it a hassle?” “Religious concepts are for older folks. Little kids are too young to understand.” Any of this sound familiar? For us moms with small kiddos, it can be daunting to handle the rejection that comes at us when we are doing our best to raise our children in the faith.

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Blog Feature

children at Mass  |  family life

Mass with Little Ones: It's Worth It

Megan Cottam encourages families of young children to focus on the joys and the building of faith-filled memories, even with the squirmiest of kids, while celebrating Mass together.

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