World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Blog Feature

The-Rosary-In-Our-Hands  |  family prayer

The Rosary: An Outpouring of Love

During my freshman year of college, I was thinking about joining a particular household. At the Franciscan University of Steubenville, “households” are like Catholic fraternities and sororities. One of the regular commitments of this household was a Sunday evening Rosary. Let me paint the picture for you. Twenty college-age guys sitting comfortably on couches and chairs in a nice warm room praying a very repetitive devotion late at night. Someone was bound to fall asleep. On this occasion, someone did. Somewhere around the third Glorious Mystery, a good friend of mine started to nod and snap back. Nod and snap back. And then, after a valiant struggle, just nod. Everyone else in the room seemed to silently acknowledge that our friend was, shall we say, no longer with us.

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Blog Feature

The-Rosary-In-Our-Hands  |  family prayer

Grandma's Rosary Tradition

In January 1991, my cousin was sitting in a tank in a hot desert, awaiting orders to go into Kuwait. The newspapers were filled with troubling stories, and the world felt like a sea of uncertainty. Every Saturday for months, my family — aunts, uncles, and cousins included — gathered at my grandparents’ house to pray the Rosary for protection over my cousin and the success of the mission.

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Blog Feature

The-Rosary-In-Our-Hands  |  family prayer

An Irish Rosary

Growing up in a small village in Ireland, it was from my Grandmother Hannah, whom we called Nanny, that I observed and learned the power that prayer holds to ground and shape our lives through joy and struggle. She was the first person I saw praying the Rosary. Never far from her gnarled, arthritic hands, the beads moved between her fingers in a fluid rhythm as her lips murmured the familiar words.

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Blog Feature

Faith  |  family prayer

Reading the Signs of the Time- Weekday Homily Video

Coming from Uganda or the African tropics where the weather almost stays the same throughout the season, it is fascinating to see the seasonal changes in this country. The leaves change color, the leaves fall off the trees, the trees are left bare for months, then the trees start coming back to life by growing the leaves again, and in the end are full of green leaves again!

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Blog Feature

The-Rosary-In-Our-Hands  |  family prayer

Leave Time for Mama

I have a routine of prayers I get through every day. Two are Rosaries, and all contain at least one Hail Mary. These prayers are my anchor, and I won’t lay my head down until they’ve all been said. Building Good Prayer Habits As a creature of habit, some prayers must be said before my feet hit the floor in the morning, and some are not said until I’m sitting in bed again. Those are my bookends. They’re not long, but they set up my day, then set it back down again.

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Blog Feature

Faith  |  family prayer

Standing Alone for Truth- Weekday Homily Video

A story is told of a new prime minister of a country who, while addressing a group of journalists, harshly criticized his predecessor—a dictator known for committing many atrocities. During his speech, someone from the audience passed him a note that read, “What were you doing when the dictator committed all these atrocities, for you were in a position of influence even then?"

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