Prayers for Family

World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Blog Feature

Catholic Faith  |  Hope  |  family life

A New Opportunity (Uma Nova Oportunidade)

Right after the holiday celebrations, we celebrate the arrival of another year. We are filled with hope, plans, and projects—after all, it is a NEW year. What is it that ignites this hope in us? Why do we get so excited? Isn't January first like any other day? God is an excellent teacher who educates His children so that we can seek to find Him in our lives and walk the path that will lead us to eternity with Him in Heaven. With this in mind, God created nature in a cyclical way: we perceive the passage of time not only in our bodies, with aging, but above all with the different seasons.

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Blog Feature

Holy Week  |  Hope  |  Lenten Reflections

5 Ways to Experience Hope In Holy Week

If your Lent has been like mine, it has been a season of darkness and dryness. Personal struggles, doubts, fear, discouragement, and dealing with the illness of my youngest sister are some of the challenges that have arisen on the journey through Lent, providing plenty of opportunity for built-in sacrifice and penance. Through the difficulties, however, the joyful theme of hope repeatedly emerged as the virtue to focus my attention on and embrace. I realized that I have been concentrating on the trials and hardships and taking my eyes off of Jesus and the hope of the Resurrection.

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Blog Feature

Hope  |  Scripture Study  |  reading the Bible

Leading with Hope

Have you ever met someone who traverses adversity without losing hope? Miriam is such a person, and she imparts hope to us. Born into slavery in Egypt, Miriam was the older sister of Moses and Aaron. Her name is derived from the Hebrew words for “bitterness” or “rebellion,” and it may have reflected a cultural disposition toward bitterness because of Pharaoh’s maltreatment—including his attempted genocide of the Hebrew children, which Miriam and others actively resisted (Ex 1:15–16). In so doing, holy women such as Miriam “kept alive the hope of Israel’s salvation,” as the Catechism notes (CCC 46).

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