World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
“Gather the fragments left over so that nothing will be wasted.” Picture this: it’s a beautiful Sunday in the Easter Spring of 1955. The pastor, Father Wilfrid Ouellette, is distributing communion and whispering rhythmically, “Corpus Domini Nostri Jesus Christi, custodiat animam tuam in vitam aeternam. Amen.” May the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ escort your soul safely to eternal life. Amen. Little Wilfred, the 10-year-old altar boy, tried valiantly to receive the host, but unfortunately he missed...
Father Charles Matusik, C.S.C. died in 1996, we discovered among his papers a letter written to his parents when he was a young soldier in Italy in WWII. What a letter. He wrote: “Dear Mom and Dad, Something amazing happened to me! I went to visit a well-known priest in San Giovanni Rotundo. He bears the wounds of Christ. I went to confession to him. He could see into my soul. He told me that I was going to be safe from injury in the war, return home to America, enter the seminary and become a priest.”
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
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In the Liturgy, it’s Easter all week - a full celebration of the Resurrection. But let me ask you, what difference does it make? What difference will the Resurrection make in your life and in mine?
Two of Jesus’ disciples, Cleopas and another, are walking to Emmaus to get out of Jerusalem after a crushing disappointment. They are chatting about what happened over the past few days, trying to make sense of it. Jesus joins them, but they do not recognize him!
Learn more about our faith | Seasonal Reflections
In the 1460’s, the artist Piero della Francesca was hired to create a fresco for the small town of Sansepolcro, Italy. Over seven feet tall, the fresco depicts a life-size Christ rising from His tomb. At the time, Renaissance art usually had Christ floating above the tomb in a display of divine might. But Piero della Francesca chose to depict Christ physically climbing out of His tomb without any fanfare or heavenly aid. This added an air of gravitas and humanism, making The Resurrection of Christ not simply a celebration, but also a reminder of Christ’s sacrifice.
This is the 50-day Eastertide to go deeper into knowing and living the Faith. The two Mary's whose joy is beyond words when they encounter the Risen Jesus are told by Jesus to go to the Apostles and share the Good News with them.