World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
CatholicMom | Holy Women's History Month | Lenten Reflections | women's history month
Saint Mary Magdalene's experience with our Lord is shared throughout various brief references in the Gospels, all of them attesting to her presence in Christ’s ministry. The most important thing that establishes her as the Apostle to the Apostles, according to Saint Thomas Aquinas, is her presence at the Resurrection. Christ first appeared to her. We can imagine Mary Magdalene on her way to the tomb, overcome with sorrow, grief, regret, and remorse. Her heart was heavy; she knew that there was nowhere else she needed to go. Mary Magdalene had reached a pivotal moment where she knew the answer to her heart's desires and deepest yearnings. She had found the balm which healed her aching wounds and gave her new life. She had found where her identity lies, crowned with dignity and strength. She knew to whom she belonged, a beloved daughter of the Lord. The chains that had held her down were broken, and the demons had fled in fear. When Jesus calls her by name, Mary Magdalene knows she is loved and He has chosen her. She is free. Prefer to Listen—Audio version available!
Celebrating family life | Lenten Reflections | family prayer
When our children were toddlers, we would socialize with other young families and try to shape how the kids played together, sharing, cooperating, taking turns, and being polite. It was a developmental challenge. When the little ones aren’t ready to share, forcing the issue can be counter-productive. It takes creative coaching and then waiting for development to take its course.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Celebrating family life | Lenten Reflections | family prayer
New life is abundant in the springtime. Newborn fawns, little bunnies, and fresh white lambs seem to suddenly appear. As much as it may be anticipated each year, the charm of ducklings in a row, flowers adorning even the trees, and the birdsong's beauty are always more magical than remembered from the spring before.
Holy Week | Hope | Lenten Reflections
If your Lent has been like mine, it has been a season of darkness and dryness. Personal struggles, doubts, fear, discouragement, and dealing with the illness of my youngest sister are some of the challenges that have arisen on the journey through Lent, providing plenty of opportunity for built-in sacrifice and penance. Through the difficulties, however, the joyful theme of hope repeatedly emerged as the virtue to focus my attention on and embrace. I realized that I have been concentrating on the trials and hardships and taking my eyes off of Jesus and the hope of the Resurrection.
Lenten Reflections | Lenten sacrifice | family life
God’s plans for my Lenten fasting In the weeks leading up to Lent, I prayerfully discerned what I might give up for the season of fasting. I weighed the options, considered what would be most difficult and what would help me grow in holiness, and made my decision. I would give up scrolling through social media and greatly reduce my screen time.
Lenten Reflections | Seasonal Reflections
What do we know about reconciliation within the Family? I want to share a story about forgiveness that a mother told me about an interaction between her and her daughter. Also, make sure you read the Family Activity found at the end of this post!