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Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

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Holy Women's History Month  |  Lenten Reflections  |  catholic mom  |  women's history month

Holy Women's History Month: Saints Perpetua and Felicity

While growing up, I didn’t give much thought to my last name, Perpetua, other than it was hard for telemarketers to pronounce (they always put the emphasis on the wrong syllable, if they could say it at all) and when the priest chose the long form of the Eucharistic Prayer at Mass, Perpetua was named as part of the Roman Canon, along with Felicity and some others. I knew that Perpetua and Felicity were women saints, and that is where my knowledge began and ended, for many years. It wasn’t until I was an adult and, eventually, a mother that I embraced these heroic Christian martyrs and shared the story of my (and their) eponym with my children. Only then did I begin to fully appreciate their sacrifice. Saints Perpetua and Felicity were young mothers martyred in the early 3rd century. Perpetua was a noblewoman with a young nursing child. Felicity, a slave, was eight months pregnant at the time she, Perpetua, and others were imprisoned. Prefer to Listen—Audio version available!

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Holy Women's History Month  |  Lenten Reflections  |  catholic mom  |  women's history month

Holy Women's History Month: Servant of God Chiara Lubich

I first encountered the Focolare Movement (an ecclesial movement within the Church) and its founder, Servant of God Chiara Lubich, through my then-boyfriend, now husband. His family had been a part of the movement his entire life. Over the summers, members of the movement gathered for a family conference, and I was invited to attend. Little did I know that this would begin a new spiritual journey with Chiara, which our family still travels on today. It’s hard to pick just one thing that I have learned from Chiara over these last 17 years of slowly learning the spirituality of the Focolare. While I was introduced to the movement in college, it wasn’t until a few years later, as a young mom, that I started to consciously learn more of the theology found in Chiara’s spirituality. I did this with my mother-in-law, who is deeply invested in the movement. Together, we shared many conversations about the movement’s history, its founding principles, and way of life. Prefer to Listen—Audio version available!

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Holy Women's History Month  |  Lenten Reflections  |  catholic mom  |  women's history month

Holy Women's History Month: Saint Joan of Arc

Have you ever in your life been subjected to public shaming? Ridicule? I experienced being “cancelled” long before it entered the mainstream. My crime? Taking an unpopular stand as an elected official in our town. I remember it like yesterday, praying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary over and over, and feeling the Lord calling me to walk with the person at the center of the controversy — and not abandon him. And guess who else entered the picture? Saint Joan of Arc. Prefer to Listen—Audio version available!

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Catholic Momcast  |  Holy Women's History Month  |  Lenten Reflections  |  women's history month

Holy Women's History Month: Saint Monica

Saint Monica is a treasure to me. Some saints are hard to connect with. As much as I love and admire Saint Joan of Arc, it’s hard to connect her life with mine. Same with Saint Catherine of Siena. I was just starting my conversion path to Catholicism when we moved into our home only a few blocks from Saint Monica’s Catholic Church. It has been our parish home for more than 20 years. Our youngest son went to the parish school from kindergarten through eighth grade. I have dozens of friends I’ve met over the years through the school or the parish, and whether it’s issues with husbands or our children, we’ve all offered it up to Saint Monica’s intercession. Prefer to Listen—Audio version available!

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CatholicMom  |  Holy Women's History Month  |  Lenten Reflections  |  women's history month

Holy Women's History Month: Saint Dymphna

Little is known about the life of Saint Dymphna, but author Lawrence G. Lovasik was able to procure enough information in his 1953 book, Saint for the Afflicted, that offers insight into her path to sainthood. Before becoming a saint, Dymphna lost her mother when she was only 14 years old, and her father was so distraught after the loss of his wife that he seemingly fell into a deep depression and almost became manic in trying to fill the void left by his deceased wife. It is because of him that Dymphna became known as the “Patron Saint of Nervous and Mental Ill Patients,” as she was forced to flee her home when he tried to marry her. Ultimately, after refusing his proposal, she was killed by her own father. I first learned about Saint Dymphna over two decades ago while pursuing my bachelor's degree in psychology. I had been experiencing some personal challenges and somehow stumbled upon this Irish saint, who I would later learn is the patron saint for mental illness. As I’ve often heard from others, the saints often find us rather than us seeking them first — and Dymphna definitely found me when she knew I would need her most. Prefer to Listen—Audio version available!

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CatholicMom  |  Holy Women's History Month  |  Lenten Reflections  |  women's history month

Holy Women’s History Month: Saint Margaret Mary

I want to introduce you to Saint Margaret Mary, one of the most remarkable saints the Church has ever known. I admire her deeply because she chose to give her life to Jesus, turning away from the glamour of the world to embrace a life of prayer and devotion as a Visitation Sister. Soon after joining the Order, Jesus chose her as the vessel through which He would reveal the depths of His love — appearing to her with His heart outside His body, engulfed in flames of divine love. Through her writings and the path she laid out in living this devotion, my life has been enriched and blessed in ways I could never have imagined. Prefer to Listen—Audio version available!

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