World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
how to pray the rosary | power of prayer | pray the rosary
Reflecting on three powerful, inspirational, and practical ways to incorporate the Rosary into your prayer life.
Daily Family Prayer | power of prayer | pray the rosary
In 1942, a young Father Patrick Peyton, CSC, founded Family Rosary with a profound desire to spread devotion to Our Lady, to strengthen families, and to sanctify homes in his adopted land. He took to the airwaves to spread this message as far and wide as he could using the most modern means of technology then available. We could look at his early success and praise his ingenuity and perseverance, but in fact, the roots of his mission went far deeper, and were strong enough to carry him through a lifetime in service to this unique call from God.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Daily Family Prayer | power of prayer | praying for your family
I’ve had the privilege of spending the last seven weeks participating in a prayer group called "Invitation to Personal Prayer." I knew I had a prayer life, but honestly, I’ve spent so many of the last survival parenting years as a “desperate” pray-er, (if that’s a word). My morning prayer times came seldom and far between, because I couldn’t get up any earlier than my children, so my prayers came during the day in small desperate pleas for the Lord to help me put out whatever fire was currently underway.
family life | power of prayer | pray the rosary
I sat down on the sofa with my mug of coffee to start the day with prayer. The house was quiet apart from the pitter-patter of rain and the song of birds that reached my ears through cracked open windows. I’d slept fine but I was tired. Tired from long hours, packed into days, stacked into weeks, and collected into months. Do you feel that way too, at times?