World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Blog Feature

Divine Mercy Sunday  |  Trust and Mercy  |  prayer

Learning Trust with Divine Mercy and Mary

Spring is well underway — with all its gusty unpredictability, and I'm left with a lot of mud on my hands. It's on our shoes, in the yard, and seemingly on flat surface of my home on some days. I can't help but be grateful on so many levels. Mud means spring, and spring means many of my favorite things all at one time. There’s sunshine and new life and outside activity. This all calls for an increase in trust, whether it’s when one of my kids is on a 2000-pound horse or behind the wheel of a moving vehicle. The trust I have to embrace is pretty huge, but it's nothing like the trust I'm called to have.

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Blog Feature

Scripture  |  how to pray the rosary  |  prayer

Praying the Scriptural Rosary

The Rosary is a rich, centuries-old prayer tradition that involves our entire beings: With our hands, we make the Sign the Cross and finger the beads. With our minds, we meditate on the mysteries. With our hearts, we contemplate how we will follow the model of Christ and His mother, Mary. With our voices, we say the prayers.

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Blog Feature

Almsgiving  |  Lent activities  |  prayer

10 Ways to Walk Through Lent with your Sisters in Christ

During the liturgical season of Lent, we faithful are asked to seek the Lord in prayer and reading Scripture, to practice self-control through fasting, and to serve by giving alms. Lent is an ideal season to travel through with your parish’s women’s group because when we partner with friends in praying, fasting, and almsgiving, we keep each other on track, bear each other’s burdens, and deepen our faith and friendships.

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Blog Feature

Advent  |  prayer

A No-Worries Advent

Now is the time to plan for less stress this Advent. Maria Gallagher offers four ways to spend Advent preparing, rather than rushing. Growing up in my overachiever household, Advent meant “Ready, set, rush!” Rush to purchase presents … rush to decorate the house for Christmas and New Year’s … rush to bake the holiday cookies. Advent was basically a countdown to Christmas, with all the calmness of “The Amazing Race.”

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