World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Blessed Virgin Mary | prayer | rosary
I was introduced to the Blessed Mother almost thirty years ago before I became Catholic, while working at a psychiatric hospital as a mental health technician. My supervisor at the time had noticed that the demands of the stressful job were taking their toll on me and offered the “Hail Mary” prayer as a way to ease some of the tension in my life. “I am not trying to push anything on you,” she explained, “I just think you may find it soothing and relaxing.” Having grown up Episcopalian, I had heard of the prayer, but never gave it any serious consideration. Nevertheless, given the state of my life at the time, I was happy to give it a try.
Parenthood | family life | prayer
I don’t know if I have been able to write ten lines without being disturbed … I am not telling any lies when I say that I am writing practically nothing. (Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, Story of a Soul) She had snuck out to the convent garden to write, hoping to make progress on Story of a Soul in her very small pocket of free time. But she had been constantly interrupted, as usual, and the process was painfully slow. I underlined her words and sat back. “I am writing practically nothing.” Oh Thérèse, I thought. I feel you.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Advent | Family Activities | prayer
Today we enter the third week of Advent, we hope you have found many amazing ways to share The Gift of Prayer with your family this season. Family Rosary invites you to use our many inspirational and family-friendly resources to carve out time this week to share the precious gift of prayer with your family. Please visit each week for new resources!
Happiness | family life | prayer
I’ve always liked to shop. The artfully arranged displays, colors folded into precise geometric shapes, and an assortment of curated merchandise make me feel hopeful. Hope that I could be more attractive. Hope that I would be enough. Hope that having something was the same as having it all together. Unlike the price tag, the promise of such things wasn’t explicit. It was in the garments hung in rainbow-colored order, the soft lighting, the scent of a lit candle, and the melodic music that lulled me into thinking I wasn’t just purchasing a shirt but an assurance of a better life.
Daily Devotionals | Time Management | pray the rosary | prayer
I’ve struggled to have daily prayer time since I was in eighth grade. Yes, that’s a long time. And yes, it’s been a struggle for the entire time. It’s never been easy. It’s not that I haven’t wanted this quiet, peaceful time of prayer to start my day, it’s just that I’ve always been in too much of a hurry to sit still and do it.
Behold Your Mother | Blessed Virgin Mary | prayer
Family Rosary continues our May reflections on the motherly role that the Blessed Mother plays in our lives. Often times Catholics are questioned, "Why not go directly to God? Why do you go to Mary with your prayers?" Well, I propose a few reasons why we, as Catholics, turn to the Blessed Mother, gaze upon her beauty, and ask for her prayers.