World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

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Love thy Neighbor  |  Return to the Church

"Die Empty" - Family Reflection Video

One of the most beautiful books to read is "Die Empty" by Todd Henry. The author was inspired and got the idea of writing this book while attending a business meeting. When the director asked the audience: "Where is the richest land in the world?"

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Blog Feature

Return to the Church  |  Why pray?

Don't Wait - Family Reflection Video

Occasionally I do a general cleaning of my room, mainly to get rid of items that have accumulated over weeks. One afternoon, as I was cleaning the drawers of my table, an envelope sent by a friend caught my attention. It had only the word “Enjoy” written on it. I had kept it safe for later use but had forgotten about it.

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Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.

Blog Feature

Return to the Church  |  Why pray?

God's Great Mercy - Family Reflection Video

Jonah is one of the most attractive characters in the Bible. The most beautiful surprise in the book of Jonah is that the most unlikely candidate for holiness, the ever-hated Assyrians, turn to God. The same Assyrians who had destroyed the ten northern tribes of the Hebrews (2 Kgs 17) and destroyed Judah (2 Kgs 19). Even though these people were among the cruelest in biblical history, Jonah managed to bring them to repentance.

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Blog Feature

Love thy Neighbor  |  Return to the Church

What it Takes to be a Disciple - Family Reflection Video

Yesterday, Father Fred Jenga, C.S.C., president of Holy Cross Family Ministries, spoke to my colleagues and me about our history and mission. (It was a comprehensive and inspiring address. One that left me reflecting on the past and encouraged me for the present and the future.) Part of Father Fred’s address had to do with how each of us can and is needed to play a role in fulfilling our ministry’s mission to help families pray, with the ultimate review coming when one day we stand before God and give an accounting of how we served Him, our families and all that He put in our lives.

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Blog Feature

Return to the Church

A Mother's Birthday Wish - Family Reflection Video

A bold birthday wish started a surprised young golfer on a path to the priesthood. As her birthday approached one year, his mother said, “Richard, my son. For my birthday this year, I don’t want you to get me anything. Instead, I want you to go do something. Please go to confession for my birthday.” He decided to honor his mother's birthday wish.

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Blog Feature

Holy lives of inspiration  |  Return to the Church

Conversion of St. Paul - Family Reflection Video

God has many ways of getting our attention. The angel appeared to Mary out of nowhere. Moses stumbled into a burning bush. Elijah heard whispers. Peter caught a boatload of fish. Saul of Tarsus hit the ground, stunned. Today we celebrate a knockdown.

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