World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

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Holy lives of inspiration

For the Greater Glory of God - Weekday Homily Video

In the Gospel of Matthew we hear, "The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy, he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it."

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Blog Feature

Catholic Faith  |  Gospel of John  |  Living the Faith  |  Mass

Pruning and Making Disciples

This is the tale of two fruit plants. In my yard, I have an apple tree in my backyard and a blueberry bush in the front. The apple trees I never prune, and they are now a bit out of hand — they produce bad fruit or, honestly, no fruit most years. The blueberry bush in the front, however, I prune the dead and fruitless branches each year. Because I do this pruning, we get a good crop of blueberries each year. My daughter, Faith and I pick and eat the berries right from the bush; you can’t get any fresher than that!

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Blog Feature

Blessed Virgin Mary  |  Catholic Family Fun  |  Family Activities  |  May

A 30-Minute May Crowning for Toddlers

May begins next week, a perfect time to plan a May Crowning with your littles. My two-year-old daughter Ellen and I put together a super simple and quick May Crowning activity. We did most of it during my son's nap time while I was still unshowered and in my PJs. What is it that G.K. Chesterton famously said (and I use it as a crutch far too often)? “If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing badly.”

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Blog Feature

Holy Week  |  Sacrament of Reconciliation  |  The Parable of the Prodigal Son

Praying with Images: The Prodigal Son

“To Err is Human; to Forgive, Divine.” ~ Alexander Pope Click here to read the Parable of the Prodigal Son I don't know about you, but I find the concept of infinite love and mercy challenging to comprehend fully. I understand on a fundamental level that God possesses these qualities, but removed from my lived experience, I can't fully grasp them. Whenever someone does wrong by me, I often cling to the bitterness and anger for dear life. Even if I love them immensely, I can still experience this frustration with those closest to me. It almost seems impossible for people to let transgressions slide right off like water.

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Blog Feature

Lent activities  |  Special Needs Parenting  |  family prayer

Multisensory Prayer Table for Children

I remember struggling as a college student to start a life of prayer, but by the time I graduated, I had disciplined myself to pray daily and constantly. Years later, when I became a new mom, I knew I should teach my children to pray from the early days of their lives. I am a mom to three kids with various sensory, learning, and physical needs, and with gifts given by the Holy Spirit since their Baptism. That is something I encourage you to keep in mind about your child(ren) as they might have additional needs. They, too, have been given the Holy Spirit, the Giver of gifts.

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Blog Feature

Catholic  |  Daily Family Prayer  |  Lent activities

15 Catholic Moms Share How They Finish Lent Strong

As we move through the mid-point of Lent towards the finish line of Easter, we’ve gathered a plethora of inspiring ideas from the treasury on how to persevere in our Lenten disciples and devotions!

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