World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Yesterday, Father Fred, Father Pinto, Father Boby, and I had a day of recollection. We went to an exotic place called East Freetown, Massachusetts. Actually, it’s not a resort community but a parish named St. John Neumann. It is also the location of a former Catholic summer camp that I attended as a child. It’s a beautiful location on a lake surrounded by tall oak trees. As we began our day, I shared that the first time I was at this location, I was nine years old — just twenty years ago! In reality, it was in 1974 when President Nixon resigned!
During these days of summer, many families assemble to pray, play, talk, and work together. These past two weeks, our Holy Cross family assembled all the Holy Cross Brothers and Priests of North America at the University of Notre Dame, about 350 of us, to renew our commitment to God and our friendship in Holy Cross. It was a wonderful time to renew old friendships and meet new younger brothers.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
The Mass Readings of today seem all too familiar. The messages of "trust God" as Abram did and the "stop judging others" message from Matthew had been retold repeatedly. What is there new to say besides the same old storylines? As I read through the readings, I saw a connectedness between the readings that made great sense.
Daily Family Prayer | pray the rosary | prayer life
One Sunday morning a few years ago, I believe that the Holy Spirit was speaking through a young Dominican priest when he challenged all of us sitting in the pew to consider reading the last section of the Catechism of the Catholic Church on the topic of prayer. Why had I not done this before? It is like a handbook on deepening and developing a prayer life directly from the Church, and a wealth of insight for us as we live in a society that does not hold Christian prayer in high esteem. When I took the time out to do just that, it seemed like the words jumped right off the page and left me not only inspired but ready to make some real changes in my life. “We must remember God more often than we draw breath. But we can not pray “at all times” if we do not pray at specific times, consciously willing it.” What I came to appreciate was that without Christian prayer in my life, I was far less useful to the Kingdom of God and admittedly I was missing out on the insights and graces God wanted to grant. When we don’t take time out for regular prayer, we cannot see God’s plan for our life. In many ways, it would be like walking around with foggy glasses.
Daily Devotionals | Time Management | pray the rosary | prayer
I’ve struggled to have daily prayer time since I was in eighth grade. Yes, that’s a long time. And yes, it’s been a struggle for the entire time. It’s never been easy. It’s not that I haven’t wanted this quiet, peaceful time of prayer to start my day, it’s just that I’ve always been in too much of a hurry to sit still and do it.
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus has some challenging images about our hearts and eyes. He says your eyes search for what will intensify the heart's treasure. You will look for what you want the most with the greatest watchfulness.