World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Blog Feature

corporal works of mercy  |  family life

Helping Children to Love the Poor

To love our neighbor, means to open our hearts to all people, including the hungry, thirsty, homeless, truly anyone is need. I’m afraid that, for much of my life, I didn’t love them very much. Of course, I’d pray for them, but I had little direct interaction with those living in poverty.

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Blog Feature

Celebrating family life  |  Seasonal Reflections

Great and Wonderful Works - Family Reflection Video

Great and wonderful are all your works, Lord, mighty God! – Revelation 15:3

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Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.

Blog Feature

Return to the Church  |  Strengthening family unity

Take Care Not to be Misled – Family Reflection Video

Anyone who has visited ancient cities such as Jerusalem, Babylon, Rome, Athens, Sparta, Memphis and Thebes, is shocked at how immense and beautiful these ancient cities must have looked in the prime of their days. I have been blessed to visit Rome, Jerusalem, and Memphis – which is not too far away from modern day Cairo. I was shocked looking at the gigantic archeological sites and how big the buildings must have been.

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Blog Feature

Learn more about our faith  |  Seasonal Reflections

The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary-Family Reflection Video

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. “This feast commemorates the dedication of the church of St. Mary, built in Jerusalem near the site of the Temple. Additionally, with Christians of the East, the Latin Church also remembers on this day the tradition according to which Mary as a small child, was presented to the Lord by her parents in the Temple” (The Liturgy of the Hours, Volume IV, p. 1572).

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Blog Feature

Learn more about our faith  |  Return to the Church

Why Come to Mass on Sunday?

These are three questions that many people ask with sincerity—they ask them honestly: Why can't I pray in nature, which truly lifts my spirit up to God? Why do I have to be with others if I pray better on my own? Why couldn't I substitute my personal prayer for Mass if I'm very busy? I want to address these questions with gentleness and love because, as I said, I think many people ask them sincerely. And I'd like to begin with our Gospel passage which might be able to set us in the right direction.

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Blog Feature

family prayer  |  how to pray the rosary

DIY Steppingstone Rosary in Ten Easy Steps!

One October, the month of the Holy Rosary, I felt particularly ambitious about getting my kiddos, ages five and fifteen, to pray the Rosary more. At first, I haven’t had much success. The “rap rosary” was a total fail, my teen informed me. The Rosary podcasts had “too much opera” or “the people talk like they need a nap,” reported the little guy. I enjoy saying my Rosary in the morning on my back patio, beads in one hand and coffee in the other, but that wasn’t appealing to my family.

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