World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
It is spring in our yard. The trees have leaves, Hosta plants are thriving, and the rhododendron is blossoming. The natural world is encouraging us to hope. I’m surprised each year to discover where new Hostas have begun to sprout. They have appeared some distance from the established plant, in a corner of the yard, nestled against a fence post, or at the edge of a path. Creation has within itself the purpose of growth and the energy to spread forth, proclaiming life in the most unlikely places. I suspect wind and rain spread the seeds. Water and wind remind us of God’s Spirit.
Celebrating family life | Strengthening family unity
In John's Gospel, Jesus links two powerfully uplifting emotions: love and joy. And, it makes sense when we love someone, and they love us; there's a unifying force that stirs our souls and makes us joyful.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
In the month of May, we traditionally reflect on the role of Mary, Mother of Jesus. Through the centuries, believers have oriented their prayer to meditate on many titles for the Virgin of Nazareth. This year, I find myself drawn to “Queen of Peace.”
During the school year, it is customary to schedule parent-teacher conferences. When I was teaching, I enjoyed the conversations with parents and guardians. I tried to be positive and affirming in my observations. I hope I was a good listener.
Celebrating family life | Why pray?
Just being with you for less than 24 hours, having “seen with our own eyes and touched with our own hands” (cf. 1John 1:1) what the Risen Lord in your midst has accomplished and continues to accomplish through Holy Cross Family Ministries, especially with the signing of the Memorandum of Collaboration a while ago between the International Confederation of Christian Family Movements and Holy Cross Family Ministries, there’s more meaning to our acclamation in the Responsorial Psalm: Forever I will sing the goodness of the Lord!
Celebrating family life | Strengthening family unity
Today's reading from the Acts of the Apostles reminds us of the importance of courage and conviction in our faith. The Gospel of John reminds us that the one who believes in the Son has eternal life (John 3.36). As we reflect on today's scriptures, let us remember the importance of communicating our love and faith to our children. As parents, we are responsible for being role models and providing a foundation of love and trust for our children.