World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Behold Your Mother | pray the rosary | seasons of motherhood
The writers of Family Rosary's sister ministry, Catholic Mom, enthusiastically gathered to share meditations on each Mystery of the Rosary in a special way for pregnant mothers. We invite you to join us throughout the month of May as we pray together each day, and to share these reflections with other moms who will enjoy them. Today, Allison Gingras introduces the series. One night as I was drifting off to sleep, I asked the Lord a simple question: “Why the Rosary?”
family prayer | pray the rosary
When my husband and I were expecting our first child, we talked a lot about family prayer. We had all these ideas of what it might look like in our home, how we would live liturgically, and make our space sacred. And while I still think that most of those ideas were great, I’ve had to reconcile those ideas (and let’s face it, dreams) with the realities of the family that we have, right now. Of those ideas we had at the start, we do exactly none of them today.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
family Lenten activities | family prayer | pray the rosary
Prayer, especially the Rosary, strengthens families to come to know and believe God brings us through every challenge. Coming together as a family to pray during Lent—offering thanksgiving, petition, and intercession for ourselves and others gives new meaning to the season and fosters hope.
pray the rosary | praying for your family
"You have your own basketball team," many people said when our fifth daughter was born. My Spiritual Director instead saw—one child for each decade of the Rosary. I loved that concept as soon as the words came out of his mouth. So, I committed to praying a Rosary every day, and toward the end of the year when reflecting on what faith-based intentions I wanted to have set for life vs. variable, I was not sure where the Rosary fit. The next year, the practice slipped away. I still prayed the Rosary sometimes, but it was sporadic as I no longer viewed it as a daily commitment. However, often when I prayed the Rosary, I thought about how I missed it.
about the rosary | pray the rosary
The Rosary has had a long history and has gone through many stages of development. The use of prayer beads precedes the time of Christ. Hindus used them to help keep track of prayers said throughout the day. In the Christian tradition, early monastic orders would pray the 150 Psalms daily.
Annunciation | Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary | pray the rosary
"Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God." An interesting choice of words from the archangel Gabriel, this "favor with God." When I first read this, I questioned if Gabriel and I shared the same definition and understanding of "favor," as it turns out, we don't. This favor is not partiality, benefit, or worldly; instead, it is quite heavenly. Favor with God, of which Gabriel speaks, refers to the privilege of sharing in the Divine life of God—of accepting, receiving, and cooperating with grace. Mary, full of grace, models how your life can be a rollercoaster, but your faith, hope, and love can remain steadfast.