World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Assumption | Blessed Virgin Mary | Catholic Faith | family life
On August 15 each year, we celebrate the glorious Feast of the Assumption of Mary, our Holy Mother, into heaven. This solemnity reminds us of Mary’s unique role in salvation history and her deep relationship with God. As we reflect on her life and her Assumption, I would like to focus on three qualities of Mary that we can all strive to embody in our own lives: humble, hungry, and smart.
Catholic Faith | Spiritual Life | prayer
Let's celebrate Ordinary Time! It's the liturgical period in between the more illustrious seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter. It offers Catholics a unique opportunity to grow in faith and holiness through the ordinary rhythms of daily life. These periods are times when we can deepen our relationship with God and integrate our faith more fully into every aspect of our lives. The simple and seasonal day-to-day routines below can motivate you to make the most of Ordinary Time!
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Blessed Mother | Catholic Faith | prayer
I found the book by accident. I wonder if, in actuality, it found me instead. It’s a do-it-yourself retreat culminating in consecration to Jesus through Mary, also known as Marian consecration. I’d not heard of such a thing before, but it seemed to be a good next step in my spiritual life ... so I bought it. It claimed to be a quick, easy, and secure path to holiness — and heaven knows I need more holiness.
Catholic Faith | family prayer | prayer life
One of the phrases I had to tell myself over and over in the months following the birth of my last baby was, “This is just a phase. I will not be nursing forever; I will sleep again.” I have a tendency to have tunnel vision about whatever difficult moment I am in and feel it will last forever. Stepping back and looking at the big picture has helped me to see that the moment I am in is just a small blip on the radar of my life.
Blessed Mother | Catholic Faith | prayer | praying the Rosary
After returning from maternity leave, I surprised everyone – including myself – by changing careers and taking on a new role with the family business. Instead of having a five-minute commute, I drove 45 minutes each way. Faced with the reality of being in the car daily for 90 minutes, I took advantage of the time to do things I didn't have time to do before, like listening to audiobooks, podcasts, and audio CDs of lectures delivered at church.
Catholic Faith | Gospel of John | Living the Faith | Mass
This is the tale of two fruit plants. In my yard, I have an apple tree in my backyard and a blueberry bush in the front. The apple trees I never prune, and they are now a bit out of hand — they produce bad fruit or, honestly, no fruit most years. The blueberry bush in the front, however, I prune the dead and fruitless branches each year. Because I do this pruning, we get a good crop of blueberries each year. My daughter, Faith and I pick and eat the berries right from the bush; you can’t get any fresher than that!