World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Blog Feature

Catholic Faith  |  Daily Family Prayer  |  family life

24 Ideas for Family Prayer Time

If your family prayer time feels more chaotic than cultivated, take heart and don't give up. Here are 24 ideas for family prayer time from Catholic moms just like you. Let's be real for a minute here. Family prayer time does not look like a scene from the St. Joseph Picture Books. Aside from the fact that no one is wearing plaid pajamas or brown bell bottoms, praying with children is not always the peaceful, angelic scene a book might depict. Most of the time I've got one kiddo chewing a wooden rosary, one hanging upside down from the couch, and one surreptitiously drawing in her notebook while my husband and I work to stay awake through decade number five.

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Blog Feature

Catholic Faith  |  Parenting  |  family life

Parenting to Build Fruitful Faith

My green thumb was recently activated when a friend offered me a punnet of tomato seedlings. I got to work preparing the garden bed, setting up a fence to deter my vegetarian dog, and buying some mulch to help with the weeds. I spaced out the little green shoots, then gave them a good watering and let them be. A few weeks later my friend asked how they were going and how often I had been watering them. “Once a week,” I replied, as a quick Google search had instructed. “No, mate, they need a drink every second day if you want big juicy tomatoes.”

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Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.

Blog Feature

Catholic Faith  |  family prayer  |  obstacles to prayer

When Words Fail: A Reminder of Prayer

Our family has a newborn baby in the home. It’s a time of joy, a time of adjustment, and a time of sheer exhaustion. A month into this one being home, the baby still insists playtime is between 1-4 AM, and bedtime is all other hours when the sun is shining; however, the other children in the home and most businesses don’t agree with the newest arrival’s schedule. Like most parents with newborns, during this time I am running on fumes. And, let me be clear, I am not complaining; I am simply stating a fact.

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Blog Feature

Catholic Faith  |  Scripture  |  reading the Bible

Overcoming Wrath with Meekness

Jezebel, the infamous bad girl of the Bible, was selfish, unscrupulous, and manipulative. However, it is anger that ultimately destroys her. As the pagan wife of King Ahab, Jezebel uses her seductive power to spread the worship of Baal throughout the kingdom of Israel and to kill the prophets of Yahweh.

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Blog Feature

Catholic Faith  |  Scripture  |  reading the Bible

Following the Good Shepherd's Voice

Although we know that Jesus learned carpentry at the knee of Joseph, it seems he also had a soft spot in his heart for shepherds. Maybe Mary had repeated the story to him of the humble group of men who followed the star to the stable in Bethlehem. Or maybe he took after God, his Father, who saw in the role of the shepherd one who protects, provides, and guides. In any case, when Jesus calls himself the “Good Shepherd” in John 10, it is clear that he is calling those who follow him into a special kind of relationship.

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Blog Feature

Catholic Faith  |  Freedom

Staying Within the Lines

My second-ever road race was a St. Patrick’s Day 5K a couple of towns over, held on a sunny—and thank goodness not too cold! —spring morning. The course led through residential streets that had been closed off for the run, similar to those I’d trained on in and around my neighborhood. But now, for the first time, I didn’t have to stay on sidewalks and shoulders. I could run wherever I chose within the width of the lane. Not being at the front of the pack by a long shot, I had ample lateral wiggle room.

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