World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Blog Feature

Catholic Faith  |  Freedom

Staying Within the Lines

My second-ever road race was a St. Patrick’s Day 5K a couple of towns over, held on a sunny—and thank goodness not too cold! —spring morning. The course led through residential streets that had been closed off for the run, similar to those I’d trained on in and around my neighborhood. But now, for the first time, I didn’t have to stay on sidewalks and shoulders. I could run wherever I chose within the width of the lane. Not being at the front of the pack by a long shot, I had ample lateral wiggle room.

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Blog Feature

Catholic Faith  |  family prayer

A Prayer for Every Month of the New Year

I have never attempted the St. Andrew Novena until this Advent season. The novena, traditionally started on St. Andrew’s feast day which is Nov. 30, actually runs for 25 days - Nov. 30-Dec. 24. Not only is this a longer than usual novena (novenas are usually nine days long), it is also a rather demanding novena. You pray the same prayer 15 times each day. I really wanted to spread the 15 times throughout the day, filling my whole day with prayer, rather than sitting down and saying the same prayer 15 times in one sitting. To accomplish this, I found a simple version of the prayer to put on my phone as a lock screen and had a counter widget that I could click to keep track of where I was during the day.

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