World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Catholic Faith | Lenten Prayer | Lenten plans
Lent is a lot like running. When I’m in solid running shape, there is nothing more exhilarating than setting out on an adventurous 5-mile trail run through the forest. The view of God’s handiwork in nature, the sounds of birds and running streams, the mental break from the busyness of life, and the adrenaline that comes from a good workout are blessings that come from a decent trail run.
Catholic Faith | Hope | family life
Right after the holiday celebrations, we celebrate the arrival of another year. We are filled with hope, plans, and projects—after all, it is a NEW year. What is it that ignites this hope in us? Why do we get so excited? Isn't January first like any other day? God is an excellent teacher who educates His children so that we can seek to find Him in our lives and walk the path that will lead us to eternity with Him in Heaven. With this in mind, God created nature in a cyclical way: we perceive the passage of time not only in our bodies, with aging, but above all with the different seasons.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Catholic Faith | Christmas Season | holy-family
My daughter has nicknames for the Holy Family. I’m overstating it. She’s one and a half. She thinks she’s saying their names when she calls them Jeejee (Jesus—not to be confused with Gigi, her grandmother), Mon (Mary), and Fofef (Joseph). But I like to think of them as nicknames she uses as she gets to know the people I hope will be even more important to her than her parents.
Advent | Catholic Faith | Jesus
Today we will reflect on an excerpt from a sermon offered by St. Bernard of Clairvaux. The excerpt, known as “The Three Comings of the Lord” and taken from a series of homilies authored by St. Bernard concerning Advent and Christmas, is offered as the Second Reading on Wednesday during the first week of Advent in the Office of Readings. In his sermon, St. Bernard begins by identifying three “comings” of the Lord.
Advent | Advent series | Catholic Faith | family life
The celebration of Advent begins today—a holy season of deep reflection and preparation for you and your family, and our worldwide Church. Discover the invaluable gift of prayer this Advent season! Delve deeper into the treasury of Catholic traditions of prayer with Family Rosary! Please visit each week for new resources!
Catholic Faith | Daily Family Prayer | family life
If your family prayer time feels more chaotic than cultivated, take heart and don't give up. Here are 24 ideas for family prayer time from Catholic moms just like you. Let's be real for a minute here. Family prayer time does not look like a scene from the St. Joseph Picture Books. Aside from the fact that no one is wearing plaid pajamas or brown bell bottoms, praying with children is not always the peaceful, angelic scene a book might depict. Most of the time I've got one kiddo chewing a wooden rosary, one hanging upside down from the couch, and one surreptitiously drawing in her notebook while my husband and I work to stay awake through decade number five.