World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Blog Feature

Family Time  |  family prayer  |  pray the rosary

How Busy Families Build a Habit of Prayer Time

A few years ago, our priest gave a homily on the importance of praying together as a family. Prior to that, we had tried to institute family prayer time, but it always fell by the wayside as kids got older and busy schedules interfered. This child or parent would not be home. That activity or event interfered. Life just got in the way, so we would fall out of the habit.

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Blog Feature

Family Time  |  Family Vacation  |  family prayer

Use Family Vacation as Renewal and Re-creation

Going on vacation? Here's some advice on how to recreate or “re-create” during this time and come home feeling renewed. For me, vacation is often, well, exhausting. I usually need a vacation after my vacation to rest up. And with a family with little ones sleeping in unfamiliar settings and following unusual schedules, this is to be expected. Even as my family has gotten older, working as the "travel agent" to make sure everyone is well-fed and entertained is equally exhausting. Despite coming home exhausted, it is still possible to come away from a vacation “re-created.”

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Blog Feature

Behold Your Mother  |  Family Time  |  raising kids in the faith

Teaching the Faith through Stories

Imagine the scene: Months after her Son’s Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven, the Blessed Mother sits in the home of the beloved disciple, surrounded by a small group of Christ’s followers. Having spent, at best, three years with their Messiah, these new Christians are eager to learn more about Him. Mary quietly and humbly shares the stories of the Annunciation, her visit to Elizabeth, and Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem. She tells of Christ’s childhood growing up in Egypt and then Nazareth, the harrowing search for Him on the road from Jerusalem, and that time they both attended a wedding in Cana.

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