World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Blog Feature

Gospel Reflection  |  Parenting  |  family life

Grandpa's Garden: Lose Nothing

Families with school-age children probably more than once have had the experience of not being able to find something important — at a particularly awkward moment. When getting ready for school, an athletic event, or church service, we’ve likely all had to look for “my other shoe,” missing homework, field trip form, clean socks, and the list goes on. I remember searching under a child’s bed for the matching sock, thinking—I don’t have time for this. Anticipating what we need is a valuable skill. Do You Have Everything You Need?

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Blog Feature

Home  |  Money  |  family life

25 Ways Your Family Can Save Money

"Children are expensive!" This seems to be one of the most pervasive beliefs of the secular world as a reason not to have more (or any!) children. And while I definitely feel sticker shock every time I check out at the grocery, it makes me deeply sad to think our world attempts to put a price tag on the priceless value of a child. Practical discernment has an important place in Catholic parenthood, yet I can't help but think that our perception of our needs is at times influenced by a materialistic, affluent culture. It takes humility, creativity, savvy, and sacrifice to raise a family in a high-cost world but it can be done, especially if we turn off the voices telling us we need luxurious vacations, frequent takeout food, the latest technology, or even that cute new Catholic boutique item we saw on social media!

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Blog Feature

Marriage  |  family life  |  family prayer

A Little Spring Cleaning for Your Marriage

Spring is my favorite season of the year. After a long, cold winter, I appreciate every warm ray of sunshine so much more! I love watching buds appear on the trees, wearing floral dresses, and celebrating Jesus’ Resurrection at Easter. I’m also a big fan of spring cleaning. Junk has accumulated in certain places in my home throughout the last few months: a particular drawer in the kitchen, the bottom of my closet, and a messy shelf in the garage. The arrival of spring has triggered a desire to finally address those areas and get rid of the junk! As I started listing physical items in my home that I need to donate or trash, I realized I might be able to do some “spring cleaning” in my marriage, too. If you’d like to join me, here are a few things I came up with!

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Blog Feature

Parenting  |  Virtues  |  family life

Message to Families: Say It More!

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Blog Feature

Family Activities  |  Gospel Reflection  |  family life  |  family prayer

We Can Count on God - Family Discussion Video

Dad: "Kids, it’s time for bed." Kids: "Throw us in bed! Dad, throw us in bed!" (Dad picks a kid up in his arms.) Dad: "Did I ever tell you about the three men in the book of Daniel who were thrown into the fiery furnace?" Kids: "No!" Dad: "Their names were... Shadrach... Meshach... and ToBedYouGo!" We can sometimes feel as if we too have been cast into the furnace; just like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. The fiery furnace is something we all come across in our lives. Not just once, but many times.

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Blog Feature

Ash Wednesday  |  family life  |  plan for Lent

Fasting and Abstinence during Lent: Who, What, and When

There is always much discourse that surrounds the pillars of Lenten practice: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Especially in regards to fasting, sometimes wrong information is given or right information is given in disparaging ways. This makes it hard to know what to do and when to do it, let alone to know what’s fitting for a person’s situation in life. Let’s take a look at what the Church asks of us during Lent, complete with where to find this information yourselves.

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