World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Daily Family Prayer | Easter season | family life
Easter is the highest point in the liturgical year as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As a Catholic mother, I celebrate Easter Sunday with my family and savor the joy of the day. It is all beautiful. But the Easter season lasts 50 days, and there is great reason for us to keep that spirit alive with both ourselves and our families.
Celebrations | easter | family life
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! He is our joy and our hope. But what does that mean for your Catholic household?
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Lenten Reflections | Lenten sacrifice | family life
God’s plans for my Lenten fasting In the weeks leading up to Lent, I prayerfully discerned what I might give up for the season of fasting. I weighed the options, considered what would be most difficult and what would help me grow in holiness, and made my decision. I would give up scrolling through social media and greatly reduce my screen time.
Parenting | children at Mass | family life
I’ve been a Roman Catholic my whole life, and at one point, I absorbed the idea that during Mass, the congregation must be as still as possible—and that moving around would distract all the people nearby. I took this idea to an obsessive extreme, and even worried about exiting and entering the pew at the exact moments when I would be least distracting to others. I was hyper-aware of myself, and worried that if I moved an inch, I’d be completely destroying someone else’s prayer experience.
Catholic Motherhood | St. Therese | family life
Like so many other women and mothers, I’ve been deeply inspired by St. Thérèse’s Little Way, a posture of approaching daily life in a way that imbues ordinary tasks with deep love. St. Thérèse’s influence has become a model for so many women—both those who work outside the home and those who focus full time on homemaking—on faithful dedication to the day’s tasks, no matter how grand or how modest.
Pizza night is sacred in our house. Pizza night is our Friday-night ritual. We gather together after the week—setting aside preoccupations such as my seemingly never-ending rotation of chore lists and my 5-year-old’s concern that his brother will surreptitiously demolish his newly constructed Duplo bridge. My husband will silence his phone. I will make a salad from whatever veggies are lying around. My mom will arrive bearing home baked goodies. We will eat pizza delivered from our favorite local restaurant.