World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

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Decades of Gratefulness, All Summer Long

A creative way to count your blessings A few weeks ago, Chris Stefanick — a Catholic writer, speaker, and founder of Real Life Catholic — spoke at my parish about joy. During this incredible evening, Chris discussed the importance of living with joy and suggested ways to attain it. By adding gratefulness to our days, he explained, and by giving thanks for everything, we can increase the joy we feel and the joy we project outward. One of the ways he said he expresses thanks is by holding his Rosary and giving thanks for one thing on each bead. I loved that idea, and I started doing it immediately. Every day since then, I have either started or ended my day with that practice. And I can tell already that it has made a difference.

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Blog Feature

Intercessory Prayer  |  Venerable Patrick Peyton  |  pray the rosary

Father Peyton's Lifesaving Intercession

In 2013, my oldest son, Ian, and I traveled with the Deaf Apostolate of Boston to Rio de Janeiro for World Youth Day. Just four years earlier, our family had adopted a sweet little girl from China, who is Deaf. This trip offered an opportunity to not only become more acquainted with the Catholic Deaf community but also allowed further instruction in interpreting the Mass in American Sign Language. The most remarkable blessing came from learning the ASL for the Liturgy from Father Shawn Carey, himself Deaf. This alone already brimmed with God's Divine Providence; little did I know, God was only warming up!

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Ave Maria Press  |  Catholic Family Fun  |  Glorious Mysteries  |  pray the rosary

Our Family's Week with the Glorious Mysteries

I have mixed emotions about praying the Rosary with my family. As children growing up in a Catholic home, we were “forced” to pray the Rosary, and I always dreaded it. The Rosary seemed to last forever, and there were a million other things I would have rather been doing. Because of this, my prayer time was never fruitful. I recited words, but never actually prayed. Today, rarely does a day go by that I don’t pray at least one decade of the Rosary. If I happen to be having a particularly sleepless night, I can get through more than one Rosary easily. My love and devotion to Mary have grown into an integral part of my faith, and I love having her as my spiritual mother.

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Blog Feature

Ave Maria Press  |  Fr. Willy Raymond, C.S.C.  |  Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary  |  power of prayer  |  pray the rosary

The Promise and Power of the Rosary: The Sorrowful Mysteries

Father Willy Raymond, C.S.C., in his book, The Family That Prays Together Stays Together, encourages us to pray the Rosary a little bit at a time. As we stretch those muscles and create new habits, he invites us to pray a decade a night. The goal of this book is to help you establish a habit of daily prayer rooted in devotion to our Blessed Mother. To that end, each day’s prayerful reflection is built around the rhythm of the Rosary.

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Blog Feature

family life  |  power of prayer  |  pray the rosary

Depending On You

It is spring in this part of the world, and we’ve been working in the garden. We recently replaced a wooden fence that had seen better days. Taking down the panels was a challenge, trying to prevent the whole thing from falling into the neighbor’s yard. At one end, a vine’s branches had grown and woven into the trellis and attached to the pickets. It took some time to dismantle, as I wasn’t sure if the fence supported the vine or the vine held up the fence. I had a lot of family help installing the new fence. I could not have done it alone.

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Blog Feature

Luminous Mysteries  |  The Family That Prays Together Stays Together  |  pray the rosary

The Promise and Power of the Rosary: The Luminous Mysteries

I’ll admit it—I had to be sold on the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary. I had been praying the Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries since I was a child, pleading desperately that my father, an accountant, would be able to make payroll so that we could eat. I relied on that trio of Mysteries for consolation during difficult times. It was difficult for me to imagine branching off into praying a new set of Mysteries. But I realized that Pope John Paul II must have had good reason to add something to what I considered to be the perfect form of prayer. I had to trust in the Holy Father’s judgment on this.

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