World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

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A Wreath of Roses

If you were to visit my parish church, you’d find a little basket on a table in the narthex filled with plastic rosary beads. I imagine the ladies who make these free rosaries have been delighted by the alacrity by which the rosaries have disappeared of late. Perhaps they speculate that the fervency of the parishioners for this Marian devotion has sky-rocketed. What they don’t realize is my children are responsible for the majority of the disappearing rosaries. My kids see a striking new color bead (“Oh, Mom! I don’t have an orange rosary! This is perfect for fall!”) and thus our collection of plastic rosaries grows yet again.

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Praying with images  |  Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary  |  family prayer  |  pray the rosary

Praying with Images: The Sorrowful Mysteries

Artful depictions of the life of Christ, especially His Passion and Death, offer families a unique opportunity to engage in discussions of faith that can be often difficult to begin. From the youngest member of one's family to the oldest, everyone can look upon the beauty of art and share what they see and how it makes them feel.

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How to Start a Holy Hour Prayer Apostolate

Our parish created a five-year plan in which one of the three priorities discerned was to increase the support for marriages and families. Our pastor asked me to execute this portion of the plan. Oh, how honored was I and how zealous! I assembled a team, brainstormed ideas, delegated, followed up, and … basically fell flat on my face. Pride goeth before the fall, and I had a gargantuan amount of pride.

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Luminous Mysteries  |  Praying with images  |  family prayer  |  pray the rosary

Praying with Images: The Luminous Mysteries

Images often tell an entire story — one intended or the one only our hearts can see. The artist pours imagination, emotion, and a peek into a particular moment into the masterpiece. Artful depictions of the life of Christ offer families a unique opportunity to participate in discussions of faith that can engage all generations. From the youngest member of one's family to the oldest, everyone can look upon the beauty of art and share what they see and how it makes them feel.

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Blog Feature

Family Time  |  family prayer  |  pray the rosary

How Busy Families Build a Habit of Prayer Time

A few years ago, our priest gave a homily on the importance of praying together as a family. Prior to that, we had tried to institute family prayer time, but it always fell by the wayside as kids got older and busy schedules interfered. This child or parent would not be home. That activity or event interfered. Life just got in the way, so we would fall out of the habit.

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Blog Feature

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The Innumerable Blessings of the Rosary

During a retreat, I was giving on a military base in Alabama, the base's chaplain mentioned the Rosary as a powerful prayer. Although I've heard that message many times before, Father's next statement, "The Rosary ends many wars," sparked something new deep inside my heart. As a Portuguese woman, I've known this on some level from the Blessed Mother's message at Fatima, but what he said next transformed how I relate to the Rosary. After a short pause and with palpable passion, he concluded, "Wars that rage in our world, our minds, our bodies, our spirits, and our families."

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