World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

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Glorious Mysteries  |  Praying with images  |  family prayer  |  pray the rosary

Praying with Stained Glass Images: The Glorious Mysteries

Do you know the origins of stained glass windows in Catholic churches? Colored glass in windows has been used in churches since the early days of the Faith, but it wasn’t until the monumental Gothic works of the 11th and 12th centuries that the art form became a staple. These cathedrals were enormous works of stone and required a substantial amount of light to keep them from being gloomy caves of gray inside. To brighten things up further, they decorated them richly with beautiful stained glass rather than using simple translucent glass. These splendid works of art not only brought light to the cathedrals but bathed them in brilliant color; most importantly, they instructed the faithful in a simple, engaging, and, yes, beautiful way. These masterpieces, then and now, lift the soul to God.

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Blog Feature

Joyful Mysteries  |  Praying with images  |  family prayer  |  pray the rosary

Praying with Stained Glass Images: The Joyful Mysteries

Beauty lifts the soul to God. There is something simply transformative and profound about seeing a grand vista, or an intricate work of art. It’s hard to put into words, but these things have an innate quality that makes people think and feel. A majestic view of a waterfall will often make someone stop and wonder at creation. A detailed painting evokes feelings of wonder and awe as we imagine the painstaking effort a skilled artist put into creating it. Beauty reminds us of God’s magnificence and the care and effort He put into the world around us.

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Catholic Family Fun  |  family prayer  |  pray the rosary

A Must-Do with the Kids: A Rosary with Donuts

Getting kids to sit down and recite a whole Rosary is not always met with cheers and delight, as much as I wish that were the case. If I am telling the truth, I am sometimes met with groans and eye rolls alike. But when you lay out a donut Rosary, suddenly your kids are rallying to lead more prayers than their siblings. There’s nothing complex about the Donut Rosary. The cross can be a construction paper cutout, or you can make a cross with donut holes. The Our Father and Glory Be prayers should be regular-sized donuts — whoever leads the longer prayers and Scripture verse for the Mystery gets a “big donut.” The Hail Marys should be donut holes — make a decade one flavor or mix them up. After you say your prayer or prayers, you get to eat the donut(s). You will be amazed at the complaints about how unfair it was that Sister 1 got to lead more prayers than Sister 2 —haha!

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Blog Feature

Catholic Faith  |  family prayer  |  pray the rosary

The Mysterious Rosary

The first time the Rosary crashed into my life, I was helping with an event at my parish. One night, I felt God telling me to pray a Rosary every day until the event. I’d never prayed a daily Rosary, so it seemed like a big ask. I did a quick count of the number of days remaining: a Biblical 40 days. My response was not the immediate fiat of Mary. Are you sure? I asked God. I attributed this to an overactive imagination. The next day, the request returned. I decided to go for it. I launched in and quickly learned that a daily Rosary is work. I wasn’t great at managing the prayers and meditations and hadn’t memorized which Mysteries went with which days. There were even a few Mysteries I needed to look up because I wasn’t sure what they were. I got through it, and we had a successful event. Then I stopped...

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catholic devotions  |  family prayer  |  how to pray the rosary  |  pray the rosary

Eight Unique Ideas on Finding Time to Pray the Rosary

While prayer may not change our circumstances, it will often change our hearts. It brings us closer to God, allowing Him to comfort us, guide us, and occasionally reveal His will for us. At the very least, communication with God always brings peace. The Catholic faith offers many beautiful devotions, each able to reach the faithful, who come to prayer with many different communication styles. God created each of us to be unique and unrepeatable; therefore, it stands to reason that He would provide many ways to communicate with Him.

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Blog Feature

Catholicism  |  family prayer  |  pray the rosary

7 Ways to Engage Your Mind and Heart While Praying the Rosary

If there were a show of hands of those who get distracted while they pray the Rosary, mine would be the first to go up. I often need to stop to refocus because I’ve lost my place or have gotten distracted. Even with the challenge to stay focused, I don’t plan to give up the Rosary because it has been a life preserver of grace.

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